Happy International Labour Day 2022 & Sthapana Diwas (Formation Day) Greetings to Western Indian States of Maharashtra and Gujarat.

We at Johnson Odakkal Initiatives believe it is time for every professional with hope who wants to take the first steps to a life of professional freedom. You have the freedom to be who you really are, rather than what the industry or others want you to be without having to getting caught in the mundane matters of daily routine. Read on this post with three keys to ensure you “Labour No More!”
Here's what I mean...
Key #1 - Know Where You Are
The Indian States of Maharashtra and Gujarat have been my arena of travel and service in these six months since the launch of “Johnson Odakkal Initiatives.” I have gathered three aspects of environmental knowledge we need.
· Rebound. We live in a season or rebound from very difficult days. Trends if presented graphically would show an upturn from the dreary period of the past few years. A ray of hope is growing to be a flood of forward movement with real and positive outcomes.
· Rediscover. It is true that major economical concerns amidst the pandemics put us under pressure to discover our core. That is a clear voice speaking to us.
· Refocus. May Day 2022 is an annual commemoration of formation of two leading states of growth in India : Maharashtra and Gujarat. Coupled with International Labour Day it reminds us of the need to focus afresh on industry, knowledge, entrepreneurship and such elements that have been a legacy of Western India!
Key #2 - Know Who You Are
Having met so many young academics and budding professionals, including 207 students of 1st Year Integrated LLB programme (Batch 2021-2026) at Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, I am energized to know myself all over again. My peer and training interactions have enabled me to recognize a few key aspects.
· My inner strength are my fuel to success. Amidst scarce opportunities in my venture, I found that I had so much within me to give encouragement, education and enthusiasm to my students and trainees. This boosted my ability to connect in areas I had not realized before including Global Legal History and Organisational Behaviour. Each one of us has inner treasures waiting to be discovered.
· The journey thus far is ideal to reboot success. In every interaction I found that all I needed was the journey of my life to enrich those I met!
· Only I can grab the opportunities that lie waiting to be harnessed. No one else could come in and lead me in the areas I was given to nurture. It was my option to claim in what was beautifully served to me. The joy of learning together is unparalleled.

Key #3 - Know What You Have
There is a mine of wealth as our knowledge influence for enterprise and growth. This is what dawned on me as the gold nuggets valid for anyone of us (without exception).
· Each one of you have been learning and growing for a decade plus. For many this is a much longer period of growth that exists within us. My own interaction with MBA in Shipping Management at Gujarat Maritime University was a great opportunity of unearthing jewels of significance. The Culture for Competence Workshop opened up the rich deposit of knowledge and learning treasure of decades.
· What you know brings unmatched catalysts for success. We do not have to struggle to learn a special course or get another degree to start our success plan. You too can launch your journey to significance today!
· Discover your strength to serve others. The inner treasure steers us to an urgency to unwrap what is hidden within us.
Take Away
Allow me to urge every professional with hope to note these two key learnings:
1. Know yourself and your environment to maximise your significance
2. Begin where you are to launch your next phase of life
May Day 2022 is an amazing start to a new season of moving with truths to Labour No More and make it a JOI-ful Journey of Excellence!
Yes you can take the first steps to a life of professional freedom without having to getting caught in the mundane matters of daily routine.
Act Today!
Now, if you're a professional with hope who is committed to make this even easier, let me invite you to book a discovery session today at www.johnsonodakkal.com so you can easily have the freedom to be who really are, rather than what the industry or others want you to be!